how to activate crystals

How to Activate Crystals, Cleansing Crystals, and Why You Should Cleanse Them

Crystals are one of the most popular tools used for healing and manifestation. They come in a variety of shapes and sizes, and each has its own unique properties. In order to get the most out of your crystals, it is important to know how to activate them, cleanse them, and thank them. In this article, we will discuss how to activate crystals, cleansing crystals, and why you should cleanse them. We will also provide a visualization exercise that can help you connect with your crystals on a deeper level.

Choosing the right crystals to empower positive energy

choosing the right crystals

There are many ways in which we can find crystals, we could visit a crystal store on the high street, find crystals on the beach, buy crystals online, or even find crystals at a local car boot sale.

It really doesn’t matter how the crystals are found, they have been around for millions of years and they are now simply in a particular place at a certain time in their life as a crystal.

The important thing is that you feel something from the crystal itself, this feeling does not need to be physical touch, it can also be the visualization of the crystal.

For example, say you were looking at crystals on the internet and one particular crystal inspired positive thoughts, you may like its beauty, its shape, or its colour or patternation.

You may be in a crystal shop and one particular gemstone stands out to you and when you hold it you feel a sense of warmth or peace.

These are the types of crystals that you should use to empower positive energy as they will be more receptive to your thoughts and feelings.

How to activate crystals by cleansing them

how to activate crystals by cleansing them

When you find a crystal that provides you with positive energy, it is important to cleanse it before using it.

The reason for this is that crystals absorb energy, both positive and negative.

When we cleanse our crystals, we are essentially resetting them back to their natural state so that they can absorb our positive thoughts and vibrations more easily.

A crystal that is found on a beach, at a crystal shop, online, or at a general sale will have had a past, so resetting your crystal before using it is an important step.

There are a few different ways that you can cleanse your crystals, but the most important thing is to be gentle with them.

You can cleanse your crystals using running water, salt water, smudging with sage, or placing them in the sun or moonlight.

It is also important to visualize positive thoughts and feelings as you cleanse your crystals.

One of the most important things to remember when cleansing your crystals is to thank them afterwards.

This is because they have just been through a process of resetting and are now ready to absorb your positive thoughts and vibrations.

When you thank your crystals, you are acknowledging their power and thanking them for their help.

By doing this, you are creating a positive relationship with your crystals that will only serve to empower you more.

Activating Crystals by cleansing with running water

The simplest and most gentle way to cleanse your crystals is with running water.

You can do this by holding your crystal under a tap of running water or placing them in a bowl of water and letting the water run over them.

As you do this, visualize the negative energy being washed away and replaced with positive energy.

Activating Crystals by cleansing with salt water

If you live near the sea, then cleansing your crystals with salt water is a great way to cleanse them.

You can also do this by placing your crystals in a bowl of water and adding some sea salt.

As the salt dissolves, visualize the negative energy being washed away and replaced with positive energy.

Activating Crystals by Smudging with sage

Smudging is a Native American tradition that has been used for centuries to cleanse people, places, and objects of negative energy.

To smudge your crystals with sage, you will need to light a sage stick and let the smoke waft over your crystals.

As you do this, visualize the negative energy being released from your crystals and replaced with positive energy.

Activating Crystals by Placing them in the sun or moonlight

Another way to cleanse your crystals is by placing them in the sun or moonlight.

The sun will charge your crystals with positive energy, while the moon will cleanse them of negative energy.

You can do this by placing your crystals on a windowsill or outside in the sun or moonlight for a few hours.

As you do this, visualize the negative energy being released from your crystals and replaced with positive energy.

Different ways to use crystals after activation

using crystals after active cleansing

There are many different ways that crystals can be used to provide you with positive energy.

Some of the most popular ways to use crystals are:

  • Wearing them as jewelry
  • Carrying them in your pocket
  • Placing them in your environment
  • Holding them during meditation or visualization exercises

It is important to experiment with different crystals and find the ones that work best for you.

You can also combine different crystals to create your own unique blend of positive energy.

The important thing is to listen to your intuition and follow your heart.

There are no rules when it comes to using crystals, so go with what feels right for you.

If you are new to working with crystals, we recommend starting with a few simple exercises.

One of the best ways to get started is to hold a crystal in your hand and focus on your breath.

As you inhale, visualize the crystal absorbing all of the negative energy from your body.

As you exhale, visualize the crystal releasing all of the positive energy into your body.

You can also place crystals around your home or office to create a positive environment.

You can also use crystals during meditation or visualization exercises.

You can wear crystals in jewellery or place your crystal in a pocket or a purse so that it is always with you.

The important thing is to focus on your intention and let the crystals do the work.

When it comes to working with crystals, there are no wrong answers.

The most important thing is to trust your intuition and follow your heart.

How to protect crystals

how to protect crystals

Protecting crystals is just as important as cleansing and activating them.

The reason for this is that crystals are very sensitive to energy.

This means that they can absorb both positive and negative energy.

To protect your crystal, you can place it in a pouch or box made from natural materials.

You can also cleanse it regularly to remove any negative energy it has absorbed.

You can also keep it away from electronics and other sources of negative energy.

Charging bowls and plates can also be used to protect your crystals.

To charge a bowl or plate, simply place your crystal in the center of the bowl or plate and allow it to absorb the positive energy for 24 hours.

After 24 hours, remove the crystal and cleanse it under running water.

You can also use visualization exercises to protect your crystals.

One of the best ways to do this is to visualize a white light surrounding your crystal.

This will create a barrier of protection around your crystal and prevent it from absorbing any negative energy.


In conclusion, crystals are a powerful tool that can be used to improve your life in many different ways.

It is important to cleanse and activate your crystals before using them.

Once you understand how to activate crystals the crystal will be unique to you and be there to protect and guide you through different times in your life journey.

You can do this by visualizing positive thoughts and feelings as you hold your crystal.

It is also important to thank your crystals after cleansing them.

This is because they have just been through a process of resetting and are now ready to absorb your positive thoughts and vibrations.

Most importantly enjoy your crystal journey! Let the crystals guide you and trust your intuition. There are many different ways to use crystals, so experiment and find what works best for you. And don’t forget to protect your crystals by cleansing them regularly and charging them with positive energy. Thanks for reading!

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